April 5, 2020 Discussion Questions

Praise in the Storm
Discussion Questions
Dr. Chris Moore

1 Peter 1:3-12

  1. In 1 Peter 1:3 Peter blesses God. The rest of the text gives the reasons for the praise. This praise, or blessing, seems to be at the front of Peter’s mind and thinking.  Are you quick to bless God throughout the day and in front of others?  What are some ways you can become better at praising Him in this way?
  2. We are called to praise God because of what He will do. According to vv.3-5, what will God do for us that should lead us to praise? It was mentioned that Christians throughout church history have often talked and thought a lot about heaven.  Why is it good for us to think and talk about heaven?  What do you look forward to about heaven?  Is there someone who might not have this same hope that you can share this good news with?
  3. We are called to praise God because of what He is doing. According to vv.6-9, how does God use our current trials for our good? Why do our trials and suffering often cause us to recognize our need for God?
  4. We are called to praise God because of what he has done. According to vv.10-12, what has God done for us that should lead us to praise? Why are the Old Testament prophets and angels envious of us?  Does this encourage you?
  5. One of the advantages we have as Christians is we get to see the pattern of Christ which is: Good Friday leads to Resurrection Sunday, and death leads to life, and the cross leads to glory, and humiliation leads to exaltation. What are some examples of ways we are supposed to follow this same pattern? Why should knowing this pattern encourage us?