We have a high view of the Bible and we want everything we do and believe to be driven by God’s Word. We have a high view of Jesus. We want to see people become disciples of Jesus and grow as disciples of Jesus.
We affirm the following confession of faith, the 2000 Baptist Faith & Message.
- The Scriptures
The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is God’s revelation of Himself to man. It is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. It has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter. Therefore, all Scripture is totally true and trustworthy. It reveals the principles by which God judges us, and therefore is, and will remain to the end of the world, the true center of Christian union, and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and religious opinions should be tried. All Scripture is a testimony to Christ, who is Himself the focus of divine revelation.
Bill Cox
Transition Director & Pastoral Care
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Bill has been a member of Vista Grande Baptist Church since 1984. He first served on staff as Minister of Music and Youth until he was called to the mission field in 2005. He and his wife Cathy served with the International Mission Board in East and Southeast Asia for 18 years. Bill returned to Vista Grande in 2023 to serve as Director of Pastoral Care.
Bill and Cathy have two adult children, Michelle and James, and three granddaughters. In addition to riding his motorcycle and playing the guitar, Bill enjoys everything Colorado; hiking, fly fishing, skiing, and all Colorado professional sports teams. Bill says “I have traveled to six continents and visited many places around the world. Considering all the interesting places where I have lived or visited, I know nothing more beautiful and suitable than Colorado Springs.
Music Pastor
Administration Pastor
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- Jun 9, 2024The Essentials of Discipleship (pt 2)
- Jun 2, 2024The Essentials of Discipleship
- Sep 17, 2023Image and Likeness
- Jul 23, 2023Where does Your Treasure Lie
- May 14, 2023A Woman of Valor
- Dec 25, 2022Christmas
- Jul 31, 2022Authority
- Jun 19, 2022A Fortune at Your Fingertips
- May 8, 2022The Story of Motherhood
- Apr 9, 2022The Time of Our Visitiation
Jimmy Peck
Children’s Pastor
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Jimmy and Karin Peck are long time members of Vista Grande Baptist Church and have served in just about all areas of children’s ministry over the years. Karin continues to teach 4th grade Sunday School, and Jimmy began serving as the Children’s Minister in May of 2021. They have three children: Andrew, Aaron and Allison and one silly, little dog named Ollie.
Jimmy provides leadership and direction for children and preteens at Vista Grande. This includes Sunday School, Awana, Vacation Bible School, camps, retreats, Bible studies and various seasonal events. He enjoys seeing kids make the connection between the truths of Scripture and their everyday lives. The goal of our Children’s Ministry is to engage kids in a relationship with Jesus. Help them understand why Jesus came and the price He paid for their sins. The Bible is our foundation for that. We also want to encourage children and preteens to grow in their faith – to understand the value of consistent time in God’s Word and prayer. Finally, we want to equip them. Equip them to be servant leaders and disciple makers at church and in their homes and schools.
Brandon Anderson
Student Pastor
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Brandon has the privilege of serving as the Minister of Youth here at VGBC. Brandon was born and raised in Colorado Springs where he graduated from The Classical Academy. Upon graduating, he was able to go to Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC, where he earned his BA in History with a Political Science minor. After graduating in 2016, he returned home and started serving as the Director of Students at Grace Bible Church where he grew up. He was also blessed to meet his wife, Caroline, and they married in July of 2018.
Brandon first felt the call to ministry when he was a senior in high school and has served in several different official ministry positions since. Brandon is passionate about reaching middle and high school students and encouraging them to know and seek God during those pivotal years of becoming an adult. Brandon feels called by God to serve at VGBC with the youth ministry to equip students to serve in God’s Kingdom. He is currently working on his MA in Biblical and Theological Studies at Denver Seminary.