June 12, 2022

Welcome to Worship
June 12, 2022
Worship Order
Gina Wamble
10:30 service
Welcome To Service
Jimmy Peck
Congregational Singing
Mission Testimony
Isaac & Becca Herold
Message in Song
Scott Root
“Come to the Table”
Dr. Devin Knuckles

Psalm 23:5

Come to the Table
Dr. Devin Knuckles

Psalm 23:5

God Prepares
Before me
In the presence of

Christ’s Table

News & Events



Benevolence Offering

Following today’s services an offering will be collected to help those in need. To give to this fund, please hand your donation to a deacon standing at the doors of the worship center as you leave.


Ecuador Mission Supplies

Today is the last day to donate supplies for the American English/Bible Camp in Ecuador. Monetary donations are also being accepted; place cash or check (payable to VGBC) in a pink designated offering envelope marked Ecuador Mission Trip.


Mercy’s Gate Donations

They are in need of 12-count egg cartons. Donations may be placed in the marked collection box in the foyer.

VGBC Memories

Next year VGBC celebrates its 50th anniversary! To pre- pare for the celebration, we need your help. We will be

collecting photos (of families, events, etc.), and historical information that will be placed on display at the event. So

start digging!


Sunday Valet Service

The Valet Service Ministry is in need of drivers over the age of 21 who can serve one Sunday each month before , during, and after both worship services. If interested, call Paul Brandenstein at 719-439-2449.


Thank you for joining us for worship at VGBC.
If you are visitor, we are delighted you chose to worship with us.  We have a gift for you, so please visit the Welcome Desk before or after the service. We would love to share with you how you can get connected. 
We have online giving on our church app. Also, we have offering plates at the back of the Worship Center at the end of each service.  While you are welcome to give, all we ask of our guests is to visit us at the Welcome Desk near the entry! 

Scripture of the Week

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14 (ESV)


Our Ministerial Staff
 Dr. Chris Moore
Currently on Sabbatical
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Minister of Admin
Jay Hill
Minister of Music
Jimmy Peck
Minister of Children