Major Message of the Minor Prophets

Major Message of the Minor Prophets
Sermon Series by Dr. Chris Moore
In this sermon series, we spend 12 weeks looking at each of the minor prophets. Since all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable, we should hear from all of God’s Word. These books are called “minor” because they are shorter, not because they are less important. Unfortunately, this section of the Bible is often neglected, but we need to hear the major message of the minor prophets.

Feb 24, 2019
We look at this challenging book, and discover God’s love is greater than our love.  We see how God’s love is unique, jealous, satisfying, affectionate, sacrificial, and relentless.  We talk about some of our love songs, and how God’s love is greater than even our greatest love songs! 
  • Feb 24, 2019Hosea
    Feb 24, 2019
    We look at this challenging book, and discover God’s love is greater than our love.  We see how God’s love is unique, jealous, satisfying, affectionate, sacrificial, and relentless.  We talk about some of our love songs, and how God’s love is greater than even our greatest love songs! 
  • Feb 10, 2019Amos
    Feb 10, 2019
    We begin this series by looking at the book of Amos because this book provides us with a good example of how to read the prophets.  We focus on the audience and the author, and we learn why we need to hear from this prophet.  We discover the problem that led Amos to preach against God’s people.  While the tone of the book is challenging, we also see a promise that God will remain faithful to His people and His plan.

Walking Worthy

Walking Worthy
Sermon Series by Dr. Chris Moore
In this sermon series we go verse by verse through the book of Ephesians.  This letter is made up of two halves (chapters 1-3 and 4-6).  The first three chapters are primarily about all God has done for us in Christ.  The second half of the book is mainly about how we should live in light of what God has done for us.    The key verse is Ephesians 4:1 which brings together these two halves.  This key verse tells us we should walk worthy of our calling in Christ.  In this series we learn what it looks like practically to walk worthy and we learn why we should be motivated to walk worthy.

Discovering VGBC

August – September 2018

In this sermon series, called Discovering VGBC, we talk about our salvation, our statements, our story, and our structure.  We go through this material in our new members class with people who are interested in joining or with people who want to learn more about who we are, what we believe, and ministries we offer.  Since we recently updated the class and the content, we thought it would be helpful for our whole church to go through Discovering VGBC in a sermon series.

We Believe

We Believe
Our church’s normal approach to preaching is to go through books of the Bible. For this series, we are taking a different approach. We are looking at our doctrinal statement, the 2000 Baptist Faith & Message. Each week we are focusing on a different section from our statement. For example, we talk about Scripture, God, man, salvation, and the church. We will ask the question, “What does the Bible teach about this subject?” The reason we affirm this doctrinal statement is because we believe it accurately reflects what the Bible teaches. Christians seem to be increasingly less interested in doctrinal statements and theology. Healthy believers and churches have always been able to articulate and defend what they believe. Our goal in this series is simply to guard and be faithful to “the faith once for all delivered to the saints.”
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The King and the Kingdom

The King and the Kingdom
We believe it is important to go through all the types of literature in the Bible: New Testament letters and gospels and Old Testament poetry and prophets.  In this sermon series we are going through 1 Samuel, which is part of the historical narrative section of the Bible.  The history books are the largest type of literature in the Bible, and they tell the story about God and His people.  1 Samuel is important because we learn how the kingdom was established.  In this series, we are focusing on the important truths and lessons we learn about the king and the kingdom and what difference this makes for us today.

Applying the Gospel

The gospel is the good news about what God has done for us in Christ.  Because of the gospel, we are able to enter into a right standing with God.  Unfortunately, we often think this is the extent of the power and applicability of the gospel in our lives.  In this sermon series, we look at several key passages in Romans and we learn the very important and often ignored practice of applying the truths and lessons of the gospel to our everyday lives.  The goal of this series is that we discover how to return regularly to the gospel to address the challenges and struggles we face in life.

Christmas Sermons


In this sermon series, we go through 2 Timothy and we discover God’s perspective on life’s big issues. As Paul is writing this letter to Timothy, Paul is in jail at the end of his life and many people have deserted him. The natural response would be to become bitter and stop giving of yourself. Yet Paul keeps giving himself to Timothy, to the church, and to the Lord. We can learn from Paul and his godly perspective on life, death, suffering, and the gospel. Read more…

Making Disciples

In this series, we return to our church’s mission statement: “making disciples who worship, connect, serve, and impact.” “Making disciples” is the main command Jesus gave the church in the great commission (Matthew 28:19). God’s people are expected to grow as disciples and the church is instrumental in that growth. Our hope and goal is that everyone at Vista Grande will grow as disciples by getting involved in these four arenas. Worship is the corporate gathering when we assemble weekly as a church. Connecting is when we gather in smaller groups and fellowship and encourage each other around God’s Word. Serving is when we give our time, energy, and resources to benefit God’s people at VGBC. Impact is when we leave the campus in order to represent Christ, show acts of mercy, share the Gospel, and engage in missions. Our aim is to see people come to Christ so they begin growing as disciples. Each week we look at a different aspect of our mission statement.
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Knowing Jesus

We have four accounts of the life of Christ that give us a clear picture of Jesus. Each Gospel is written from a different perspective, to a different audience, and with different purposes. John tells us his reason for writing: “that you may believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31). In this sermon series we look at a different chapter in John each week and we talk about what we learn about Christ. Our goal is that we might know Jesus more deeply so that we trust him more fully and experience abundant life through him
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