Tech Ministry
Posted on Apr 28, 2021 in Adult Ministries | Tags:
Did you know it takes a crew of seven in the background to run church services on Sunday morning? The tech crew is responsible for sound, lights, cameras, on-screen lyrics and live streaming. We are always looking for more people to join our team — no experience is required as training will be provided! Our ages range from 8yrs to 75 and our backgrounds is everything from kiddos to sound professionals to teachers to ex-military to students. Contact Danielle Doyle at church office if interested in volunteering, and click the titles to learn more about each available position!
This person works under the direction of the director to set cameras 1, 2 or 3 in desired spots. Will learn how to operate the camera controller, how to move and zoom smoothly and how to quickly follow directions. Will learn to be familiar with camera terminology and placement.
This person is responsible for running the screen for the live-stream – the bible verses, nametags and song lyrics. Will learn how to operate Proclaim.
These people are responsible for listening to and fixing sound levels of the music and speaking. Will learn to operate the mixer. Cues for upstairs mixer will be completed for you before each Sunday service.
This person is responsible for running the screen for in-house worship – the bible verses, and song lyrics. This person also controls what the wing monitors see – either lyrics or cameras
Light Operators
This person is responsible for providing adequate lighting on the stage for the musicians, baptisms and the choir. Will learn how to change lighting scenes and adjust as needed.
This person should be very familiar with how the stream should look. Responsible for switching camera shots and proclaim, as well as keying nametags and lyrics
This person is the POC of all positions and Pastor Jay. Turns on all equipment beforehand, sets up the stream and watches over all positions to ensure service and streaming quality. Will be on headset and paying attention to everything if something goes wrong.
Also starts and stops the live stream