June 14 – June 24
Cost: TBD
*Current Payment of $600 is due SUNDAY, MAY 5

Payment Schedule

May 5: $600 (total to date should equal $1500)
June 2: Balance due. I should have it nailed down before then.
Ways to Pay
1.) Check, written to “Vista Grande Baptist Church”, given to Pastor Jay
2.) Cash to Pastor Jay (feel free to check w/ Kim Carmichael to hold Pastor Jay accountable for the cash)
3.) Credit/Debit card (You will be responsible for the fees)
Upcoming Dates
May 5 – next payment due; $600. If you wish to transfer funds from your student account you may do so. Click to transfer online.  Checks are due March 10, made out to VGBC and given to Pastor Jay.
May 10 at 6:30 – Concert, Belcaro,
3475 American Drive
June 14 – 24 – The trip
Airline (and Pastor Jay’s) Baggage rules

Note: We will weigh and measure all bags before we leave the church on June 14. Adjustments will be made at the church. The goal is to have no baggage issues at the airport. In Denver or in Dublin. We are allowed the following:

    • One checked bag: maximum weight is 50 lbs. and you have to carry it. No one is carrying it for you. Maximum measurement is 62 inches (add the length, width, and height of the bag)
    • One carry-on: Maximum weight is 22 lbs. Maximum measurements are height of 21.5 inches, width of 15.5 inches, and depth of 9.5 inches.
    • In the interest of full disclosure, the airline will allow one small personal item, like a purse or laptop bag, but I’m vetoing that. You will be allowed one carry-on, preferably a backpack, and it needs to fit under the seat. We need to travel as lightly as possible so the extra personal item needs to go in your backpack.
Fundraising Activities
Chair persons are Desiree Sevier and Katie Schoendube
King Soopers
If you shop at King Soopers and have a King Soopers Shopper’s Card you can support the high school choir trip to Ireland in June. All you need to do is:
  1. Create a digital account (if you don’t already have one) at www.kingsooopers.com; link your Shopper’s Card to that account
  2. Search for your organization under Community Rewards
  3. Select “Vista Grande Baptist Church”, click save
  4. A percentage of all transactions using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will go towards Vista Grande Baptist Church and the youth choir trip to Ireland.