December 11

“Leaving Nazareth, he went and lived in Capernaum, which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali – to fulfill what was said through the prophet Isaiah: ‘… the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.’”

Matthew 4:13-15


This prophecy is found in Isaiah 9:1-2. Isaiah wrote these words over 700 years before Jesus’ birth. 700 years! Pinpoint accuracy! A story with details only God would write.

This raises questions that appear every Christmas. Why would the Messiah, the King of kings, be born in a stable in Bethlehem? Why would He grow up as a carpenter’s son, in utter obscurity, in a seemingly insignificant town? If He sought to be recognized, why would He begin His ministry in the least regarded region of the Jewish world? Truly, God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Jesus did not just talk about being humble, He was. He defined humility by the way He lived. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation (Colossians 1: 15). He is the perfect representation of God, for He is God and that includes His humility. God does not force Himself upon us. God often works quietly in our situations and whispers to us of Himself until we begin to notice and turn toward Him. He draws us. If we seek Him with all of our heart, He will make sure we find Him.

How unlike the ways of man are the ways of our God. Men tend toward self promotion. Though even this can take several forms. If a man’s beginnings are too humble, he might hide them, or wear them as a badge of honor. Public announcements and communication to the masses would be used to their fullest potential to advance the agenda of the individual. Parties and fireworks might be in order. However, though Jesus birth was certainly accompanied by some significant events – angel visitations, a star for those looking to see, and one very public announcement – it was not the style of self promotion we see among men. Jesus’ announcement was made to a handful of shepherds on a remote hillside. Man just wouldn’t have done it that way. We still don’t. Christmas is a really big deal, and in December we act as if the really big deal is mostly about us.
In contrast, God quietly enters our world and changes it from the inside out, one life at a time. God made a promise and followed that promise with numerous specific prophecies. We will only look at a few in future days, but what we have already seen should leave us speechless. Be thankful that God keeps His promises. Be grateful for December and the yearly reminder of who He is, what He has done, and how He has done it. Your day may be filled with wind and storm and fire. Keep your Bible close. Spend time with Him there. Be attentive.
Listen. Let the Bible be His still small voice.  Through the glare of the lights and noise of Christmas, see His
light and let it dawn anew in you.

Be grateful for December and the yearly reminder of who He is, what He has done, and how He has done it. Your day may be filled with wind and storm and fire. Keep your Bible close. Spend time with Him there. Be attentive. Listen. Let the Bible be His still small voice.  Through the glare of the lights and noise of Christmas, see His light and let it dawn anew in you.

Jay W. Hill