Jul 30, 2017
Knowing Jesus and the Spirit
In John 16, Jesus tells His disciples they will die after His departure, but He also encourages them that their sorrow will turn to joy. We discover why it is to our advantage that Jesus leaves and sends the Holy Spirit. Some Christians seem to ignore the Holy Spirit. Some Christians emphasize the Holy Spirit in a way that is disconnected from the Bible and from the ministry of Jesus. We learn how to think about the Holy Spirit and why we should be encouraged by His ministry among us.
  • Jul 30, 2017Knowing Jesus and the Spirit
    Jul 30, 2017
    Knowing Jesus and the Spirit
    In John 16, Jesus tells His disciples they will die after His departure, but He also encourages them that their sorrow will turn to joy. We discover why it is to our advantage that Jesus leaves and sends the Holy Spirit. Some Christians seem to ignore the Holy Spirit. Some Christians emphasize the Holy Spirit in a way that is disconnected from the Bible and from the ministry of Jesus. We learn how to think about the Holy Spirit and why we should be encouraged by His ministry among us.
  • Jun 4, 2017Knowing Jesus as Restorer
    Jun 4, 2017
    Knowing Jesus as Restorer
    In John 21, Jesus addresses Peter’s denial and He restores Peter. We learn that we are all in need of restoration and God delights in restoring us to use us. We also learn this restoration is often difficult and even painful. However, we are encouraged because God’s restoration is worth it!
  • May 28, 2017Knowing Jesus as Resurrected
    May 28, 2017
    Knowing Jesus as Resurrected
    In John 20, we have four reactions to Jesus’ resurrection: unexpecting, superficial belief, fear, and skepticism. We see these same four reactions to Jesus’ resurrection today. We also discover how these reactions get transformed into strong belief after Jesus appears to His followers. We are encouraged as we learn that we have strong reasons to believe in the resurrection and why this belief changes us.
  • May 21, 2017Knowing Jesus as Crucified
    May 21, 2017
    Knowing Jesus as Crucified
    In John 19, we arrive at the heart of the Christian faith, the death and resurrection of Jesus. We are familiar with the details of Jesus’ death, but we want to consider this event without becoming numb to it. We discover that God is in control in John 19 and we talk about why God allows (and even plans) these terrible events to happen to His Son. We are encourage to cherish and cling to the cross of Christ.
  • May 14, 2017Knowing Jesus as Rejected
    May 14, 2017
    Knowing Jesus as Rejected
    In John 18, it seems that everything that could go wrong does go wrong. Everyone who could turn against Jesus turns against Him. We also see how He is perfectly in control and He is not shocked by anything. We discover four people who reject Him and how they represent four common types of rejection. We also discover how Jesus responds to the rejection and why this is significant for us.
  • May 7, 2017Knowing Jesus as Priest
    May 7, 2017
    Knowing Jesus as Priest
    In John 17 we catch a glimpse into the heart of Jesus as He prays for Himself and His disciples on the night of His arrest. This longest recorded prayer of Jesus is often called the High Priestly Prayer because He is serving as a priest before the Father on behalf of His people. As we look at the five main petitions in His prayer, we are encouraged because we also discover what Jesus is most likely praying for us right now as He intercedes for us as our priest.
  • Apr 23, 2017Knowing Jesus as The Vine
    Apr 23, 2017
    Knowing Jesus as The Vine
    In John 15, Jesus continues to prepare His disciples for his coming departure. He challenges them to remain in Him and not fall away. We discover three principles for abiding in Christ, the true vine. These principles involve three important relationships: our relationship to Christ, our relationship with God’s people, and our relationship with the world.
  • Apr 9, 2017Knowing Jesus as Comforter
    Apr 9, 2017
    Knowing Jesus as Comforter
    In John 14, Jesus tells His disciples not to let their hearts be troubled. He comforts them by explaining how He provides for them even in their sadness. Like the disciples we often experience sadness and discouragement, and we discover how we can be encouraged. We learn several ways Jesus provides for us as we come to know Him as comforter.
  • Mar 26, 2017Knowing Jesus as Servant
    Mar 26, 2017
    Knowing Jesus as Servant
    Chapter 13 is the beginning of a very important section in John’s Gospel, in which we learn what Jesus taught the disciples on His last night with them prior to His death. First, Jesus washes their feet, and we discover a couple of reasons why He takes on this lowly task. We also learn why we should serve and what we should do when serving is difficult.
  • Mar 19, 2017Knowing Jesus as the King
    Mar 19, 2017
    Knowing Jesus as the King
    In John 12 we see Jesus embracing the title of king. We also see several responses to Jesus’ claim to the crown. People respond to Jesus in the same ways today, and these responses include rejection, confusion, and following superficially. We discover what it looks like to follow faithfully and we learn why we should follow the King even when it’s difficult.