December 6

“Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm. He said:
‘…Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?’”
Job 38:1, 4

Just in case you don’t know Job’s story, I will summarize it. Job was a righteous man. Satan took issue with God’s protection of Job, and God gave Satan permission to test him. In the course of the test, Job lost everything: children, livestock, financial security, and health. His “friends” accused him of sin and told him to repent, but Job maintained his innocence and asked for an audience with God. God finally gave Job that audience, but He never directly answered Job’s “why” question. God essentially says to Job, “Who are you to demand anything of me?” “Where were you…” when I created the world, set the stars in place, made leviathan and behemoth? As we’ve considered this magnificent creation and some of the character of God, we might ask ourselves the same or a similar question: Who are we to demand God do things in a manner that makes sense to us? Who am I that the God of this universe would even know who I am or care?

In the midst of very intense physical and emotional pain, Job questioned God and especially God’s justice. For some, December is simply not all it is supposed to be. It is not the best time of the year for everyone. Many come to December with questions instead of anticipation. Those in such a situation should seek their comfort in the same place Job did; in the presence of God Himself.

As I’ve already said, Job never got a direct answer. What he did get was a change of perspective. God stepped in to meet with Job, and Job responded to the presence of God, to this opportunity to “know” God, to experience Him. Job says, I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted. You asked, “Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?” Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. You said, “Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.” My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes. (Job 42:1-6)

For Job, the presence of the Lord was sufficient. In that moment, he came to understand the vast difference between God and himself and he was satisfied. December, with its over-the-top expectations and anticipation, is overwhelming to some, and ultimately unsatisfying on Christmas morning when it all comes to a crashing end after the last present is opened. This season should remind us that God is making Himself known and available to us. Today, seek Him! Ask Him to make Himself known to you afresh. Remember today and throughout the month that God is here. He came to us, and unlike Job, we know what He looks like. He became like us in the Person of Jesus. Focus your anticipation on Him and be satisfied with Him. Anything more than that is just an added blessing that comes with the season.


Jay W. Hill