Lessons from a Fish

We often think of Jonah as a story we know well, and we think of it as a story that is primarily about a man who is swallowed by a fish. Interestingly, only three verses in the book mention the fish. One person suggested, “Men have been looking so hard at the great fish that they have failed to see the great God.” In this series we will discover important truths about God from each chapter.

Nov 27, 2016
Should I Not Pity that Great City, Colorado Springs?
In Jonah 4, we discover that we should be gracious toward others since God has been gracious toward us. We learn from Jonah that there is a "problem" with God’s grace as we often want to see people experience God’s justice while we want to experience His grace. We learn how our hearts can be changed to reflect God’s heart for Colorado Springs and all people.
  • Nov 27, 2016Should I Not Pity that Great City, Colorado Springs?
    Nov 27, 2016
    Should I Not Pity that Great City, Colorado Springs?
    In Jonah 4, we discover that we should be gracious toward others since God has been gracious toward us. We learn from Jonah that there is a "problem" with God’s grace as we often want to see people experience God’s justice while we want to experience His grace. We learn how our hearts can be changed to reflect God’s heart for Colorado Springs and all people.
  • Nov 20, 2016God is Patient
    Nov 20, 2016
    God is Patient
    As we see God’s patience toward Jonah, we are reminded that God is patient with His people. We are motivated to faithfulness and to be patient with one another. As we see God’s patience toward Nineveh, we are reminded that God is patient with all people. While the cross reveals God is willing to forgive the most undeserving people, we also discover that God’s patience won’t last forever.
  • Oct 9, 2016Salvations Belongs to the Lord
    Oct 9, 2016
    Salvations Belongs to the Lord
    Jonah 2 is a unique psalm Jonah prays to the Lord from the belly of the fish. We are reminded of our need for salvation. We need God’s grace as much as anyone, and it is important for us to recognize this lesson in order to experience his salvation. We are also reminded that salvation is from God from beginning to end. We simply need to cry out to him. Finally, we discover some of the results of salvation and ways in which Jesus is greater than Jonah.