April 12, 2020 Discussion Questions

The Resurrection & the Gospel
Discussion Questions
  1. According to Romans 3:23 and 6:23, what is the fundamental problem? Do most people recognize our personal sin against God is the main problem in the world? What do most people think the problem is?  Why is it essential for a person to come to recognize the true problem?  At what point did you come to realize your personal sin against God?

  2. Explain in your own words the solution to our sin problem. According to 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, what is the solution? Why is Christ’s resurrection essential to solving our sin problem?  How would you explain this to someone who is not a Christian?

  3. Why is it not enough merely to affirm the historical fact of Jesus’ death and resurrection? Why is it not enough merely to approve of Jesus’ death and resurrection? We said that we must respond by personally trusting Jesus died and rose for “my sin.”  Explain what it means that I must personalize this truth?  Why is this essential?

  4. We said Christian faith is not general optimism, and faith is not a blind leap. We said faith is like jumping into the water when there is someone there you can trust who is ready to catch you. What are some reasons we have for being able to trust in Jesus and His death and resurrection for our sin?

  5. When we respond with faith in Jesus, God responds to us. First, He declares we are “not guilty.”
    Second, he adopts us as His sons and daughters.  Third, he grows us to become more like Christ so He can use us for His purposes.  Finally, He finishes what He starts in us, and one day we will rise just like Jesus did.  Which one of these four responses is the most surprising to you?  Which response is the most challenging?  Which response excites you the most? 

April 5, 2020 Discussion Questions

Praise in the Storm
Discussion Questions
Dr. Chris Moore

1 Peter 1:3-12

  1. In 1 Peter 1:3 Peter blesses God. The rest of the text gives the reasons for the praise. This praise, or blessing, seems to be at the front of Peter’s mind and thinking.  Are you quick to bless God throughout the day and in front of others?  What are some ways you can become better at praising Him in this way?
  2. We are called to praise God because of what He will do. According to vv.3-5, what will God do for us that should lead us to praise? It was mentioned that Christians throughout church history have often talked and thought a lot about heaven.  Why is it good for us to think and talk about heaven?  What do you look forward to about heaven?  Is there someone who might not have this same hope that you can share this good news with?
  3. We are called to praise God because of what He is doing. According to vv.6-9, how does God use our current trials for our good? Why do our trials and suffering often cause us to recognize our need for God?
  4. We are called to praise God because of what he has done. According to vv.10-12, what has God done for us that should lead us to praise? Why are the Old Testament prophets and angels envious of us?  Does this encourage you?
  5. One of the advantages we have as Christians is we get to see the pattern of Christ which is: Good Friday leads to Resurrection Sunday, and death leads to life, and the cross leads to glory, and humiliation leads to exaltation. What are some examples of ways we are supposed to follow this same pattern? Why should knowing this pattern encourage us?   

March 29, 2020 Discussion Questions

Standing Firm in the Storm
Discussion Questions
Dr. Chris Moore

1 Peter 1:1-2

  1. Peter followed Jesus even though it wasn’t always easy. Can you think of an example of someone else in the Bible who followed the Lord even when it wasn’t easy? What does it look like right now for you to follow Jesus?  Are there some ways that is more difficult now?  Explain. 
  2. One of the themes of 1 Peter is that we are sojourners passing through this world (see 1 Peter 1:1 and 2:11). We have two extremes we should avoid. One extreme is getting too comfortable here in this world.  The other extreme is not settling in and working and serving hard in this world.  Which extreme do you gravitate toward?  Why? 
  3. Has this recent situation changed your perspective in some ways? Explain. Many Christians in the Bible and throughout church history have experienced a lot of challenges and they weren’t able to get too comfortable in this world.  Can you think of examples?  Do you think Christians have gotten a little too comfortable?  Explain.
  4. Another theme of this book is the call to stand firm and keep obeying even in the storm (1 Peter 5:12). We said God often uses times like this to grow us in areas where we have weaknesses. Can you think of examples from your life when God has used a difficult experience or season of life to grow you?  Can you think of an area where you can grow right now?  For example, could you work on being more faithful in prayer or Bible reading, or work on key relationships with others?  What is a specific area you will work on during this season? 
  5. We mentioned how people experiencing a severe storm in a boat might react differently. One person might consider jumping out of the boat. One person might sit still and conclude: “whatever will happen will happen.”  Another person might be so fearful they are unable to do anything.  What response best represents you?  The Christian is the person who has the greatest motivation to work and serve others during the storm.  Explain why.  The Christian also has the greatest motivation not to panic or fear.  Explain why.
  6. It was mentioned that Jesus experienced the ultimate storm for us so that we might not have to (see 1 Peter 2:24). Explain what this means and why this truth matters when we experience storms in life

March 22, 2020 Discussion Questions

A Theology of Desires
Discussion Questions
Dr. Chris Moore

Exodus 20:17

  1. When we break the 10th commandment (Exodus 20:17), we fail to love our neighbors well. Behind this command is a call to love each other and love our neighbors. What are some practical ways you can love your neighbors and your church family well during this unique time?  What is one action you will take today?


  1. When we break the 10th commandment, we fail to love God like we should. We reveal we are not content with Him and what He has provided for us. All of us have had our lives changed recently.  We are learning to live without certain luxuries we used to enjoy and value.  What are some of the things you miss the most?  Why do you think you miss those particular things?  What does this reveal about what you value?  Is it possible you have an unhealthy desire for some things (even if those are good things)?


  1. We said one of the solutions to obeying the 10th command is to think correctly about desires. The fact that we desire is good, and God created us with desires. What are some desires we have that are good?  Can you think of some examples of desires the Bible talks about that are good?


  1. Read Psalm 73. Based on Psalm 73:1-16, what are some of the reasons the psalmist envied other people? The psalmist had a change of mind and heart in v.17.  Explain what happened that caused him to change.  Based on Psalm 73:17-28, what are some truths he came to understand and believe that allowed him to be content in his situation? 


  1. We can be content if we learn to transform our desires into greater and deeper desires. How would you explain to someone that since you know Jesus Christ, you are content no matter what else happens? What is it about Jesus that allows you to be able to say, “since I have Christ, I have all I need?”  Try to give your answer as if you were telling your friend who is not a Christian.  Is there someone you could explain your answer to today?