Making Disciples

In this series, we return to our church’s mission statement: “making disciples who worship, connect, serve, and impact.” “Making disciples” is the main command Jesus gave the church in the great commission (Matthew 28:19). God’s people are expected to grow as disciples and the church is instrumental in that growth. Our hope and goal is that everyone at Vista Grande will grow as disciples by getting involved in these four arenas. Worship is the corporate gathering when we assemble weekly as a church. Connecting is when we gather in smaller groups and fellowship and encourage each other around God’s Word. Serving is when we give our time, energy, and resources to benefit God’s people at VGBC. Impact is when we leave the campus in order to represent Christ, show acts of mercy, share the Gospel, and engage in missions. Our aim is to see people come to Christ so they begin growing as disciples. Each week we look at a different aspect of our mission statement.
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Knowing Jesus

We have four accounts of the life of Christ that give us a clear picture of Jesus. Each Gospel is written from a different perspective, to a different audience, and with different purposes. John tells us his reason for writing: “that you may believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31). In this sermon series we look at a different chapter in John each week and we talk about what we learn about Christ. Our goal is that we might know Jesus more deeply so that we trust him more fully and experience abundant life through him
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Christmas Spirit

Some people get into the Christmas spirit early, while others never seem to experience it. This raises the question: what is the Christmas spirit? One reporter concluded, “It’s in your heart. It feels warm and glowy.” We do seem to think about the Christmas spirit as a feeling of excitement that is connected with the Christmas season. In this sermon series, we discover the Christmas spirit according to the Bible, and we learn the true Christmas spirit is not seasonal. We look at some often overlooked Christmas texts, and we talk about the Christmas spirit we see in each text. We learn how we can put into practice the Christmas spirit of humility, love, joy, and peace.
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Lessons from a Fish

We often think of Jonah as a story we know well, and we think of it as a story that is primarily about a man who is swallowed by a fish. Interestingly, only three verses in the book mention the fish. One person suggested, “Men have been looking so hard at the great fish that they have failed to see the great God.” In this series we will discover important truths about God from each chapter.
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Mission Statement

In this series, we introduce our church’s mission statement. Our mission is based on the great commission command to “make disciples.” One great aspect of our mission statement is its simplicity. Another great aspect is the way our mission statement also communicates our vision, strategy, and our expectations. We want to be faithful to the clear and simple mission Jesus has given the church. We hope you will take the next step in your discipleship and grow up in Christ with us.
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Ancient Psalms, Timeless Truth

Just as there are many different types of literature in the Bible (narrative, poetry, prophecy, letters, etc.), so there are many different types of psalms. Some are praise psalms and they are full of exuberant, joyful praise to the Lord. Lament psalms represent the other end of the spectrum as they contain despairing cries to God for help. We also find wisdom, kingship, confidence, thanksgiving, and remembrance psalms. One of the keys for understanding the psalms is to recognize the different types, and we explore these in this series. The psalms appeal to our minds, our hearts, and our entire lives. They provide a timeless resource for God’s people to use in life and worship. They cover the major themes of God’s Word, and they point us to the central person and hero of the Bible, Jesus Christ.
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Joy to the World

During this time of year we are especially mindful of perhaps the greatest miracle in the Bible, the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Even though He is God, He identifies with us and He becomes one of us. This great truth leads us to worship and faithfulness.
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In this sermon series, we let Paul take us deep into the message of the cross. In the gospel, we discover we are more in need than we can imagine. However, we also discover the good news that through Christ we are far better off than we could possibly imagine. Through the cross, we have become sons and daughters. If we truly understand this freedom, it will lead to radical obedience and keeping in step with the Spirit. We learn how to walk in this joy and freedom.
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VGBC Values

In this sermon series, we are returning to the core values of a New Testament church. The passion of every believer should be to value what God values. We will explore some of these key values such as the gospel, grace, church unity, and God’s Word.
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