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5680 Stetson Hills BLVD
Colorado Springs, CO 80917
January 19 – Dr. Mike Proud
January – 26 Dr. Mike Proud
February 2 – Rev. Dee Walker
February 9 – Rev. Mike Grebenik
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CloseMike Grebenik
Mark 4:35-41
Dr. Devin Knuckles
Matthew 5:7
At VGBC, we believe very strongly that God has spoken and communicated to us in the Bible. Because of this conviction, our preaching is based on God’s Word. The responsibility of the preacher is to discover what the biblical text means and explain it in a way that the congregation will understand. We are committed to expository preaching, which simply means we want to expose the clear meaning of the text. We want you to be able to read along in your Bible and be able to verify that what is being taught from the pulpit is consistent with what the text says. We also believe that the goal of preaching is application and lives changed for God’s glory. We want you to be challenged and encouraged, and we hope you are changed to be more like Christ as a result of hearing His Word.